
1. Who was really to blame for the lax procedures found? 2. How should this situation be remedied?..

1. Who was really to blame for the lax procedures found? 2. How should this situation be remedied?..


1. Who was really to blame for the lax procedures found? 2. How should this situation be remedied? 3. How could the job done by the FDA be improved? 4. J & J had lived under a positive halo due to their earlier recall of tainted capsules of Tylenol. Why did J & J people behave differently, almost 30 years later? 5. How would the total cost of this debacle be estimated? Johnson & Johnson (J & J) enjoyed a halo effect for many decades after their iconic precautionary recall of Tylenol capsules in 1982, which was greatly facilitated by the famous Johnson & Johnson Credo1 that stipulated patient well-being to be paramount in importance. But that halo has now been lost due to the events that led to the company’s recall of children’s Tylenol and other children’s medicines in 2009 and 2010. On April 30, 2010, J & J’s McNeil Consumer Healthcare, LLC (McNeil Division) “recalled some 50 children’s versions of non-prescription drugs, including Tylenol, Motrin and Benadryl.”2 In total, 136 million bottles of liquid were involved.3 This was the fourth recall in seven months. Earlier recalls included:

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