
 1. You must include a date or a range of dates for each term be as specific

1. You must include a date or a range of dates for each term be as specific as possible. Do not simply write a century (e.g. 12th century or 1100’s) but rather put the specific year(s).  For example, if you were giving the timeframe for Abraham Lincoln you would put down 1861-1865 (the dates of his presidency) or 1808-1865 (the dates of his life) rather than 19th century or 1800’s

.2. You need to identify the term i.e., distinguish it from other similar people or things.  For example, “Abraham Lincoln was a president” is not specific enough rather you need to put Lincoln was the 16th President of the US.

3. You also need to include significance of each term. Think of this by asking the question “So What?”  Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the US.  So what? Many answers could be given about the significance of his presidency including such things as his leadership during the Civil War, his struggle to maintain the union, or the Emancipation Proclamation, etc.

  1. Neolithic Era
  2. Agricultural Revolution
  3. Lascaux Cave
  4. Gobekli Tepe
  5. The Iceman
  6. Cuneiform
  7. Gilgamesh
  8. Hammurabi
  9. Hatshepsut
  10. Zoroaster
  11. Sargon
  12. Book of the Dead
  13. Hyksos
  14. Nefertiti
  15. Solomon
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