
2 2 final project milestone one area focus and framework submit written report analyzes comm

2 2 final project milestone one area focus and framework submit written report analyzes comm


revise unit 2 – Essay Writers

March 6, 2021

2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Area of Focus and Framework
Submit a written report that analyzes the communication environment that exists within BOLDFlash and discusses the particular areas of concern.
For additional details, please refer to one of the following artifacts:
BOLDFlash Internal Business Process
BOLDFlash Product Documentation
BOLDFlash Technical Service Communication
Also refer to the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric document and the Final Project Document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course. 
Lastly, refer to the BOLDFlash: Cross-Functional Challenges in the Mobile Division case study.

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