
This week covers probability and non-probability sampling. Discuss in detail the

This week covers probability and non-probability sampling. Discuss in detail the characteristics of probability and nonprobability sampling. Discuss the reasons that researchers would use conditional probability instead of unconditional probability in their study. Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, use at least two peer reviewed articles and cite them to support […]

Part of your task as a scholar-practitioner is to act as a critical

Part of your task as a scholar-practitioner is to act as a critical consumer of research and ask informed questions of published material. Sometimes, claims are made that do not match the results of the analysis. Unfortunately, this is why statistics is sometimes unfairly associated with telling lies. These misalignments might not be solely attributable […]

For this task, you will conduct in-depth research of recruitment violations

For this task, you will conduct in-depth research of recruitment violations previously occurring throughout the NCAA. By using the NCAA Legislative Services Database, located under your weekly resources, select two recruitment violations previously occurring at the collegiate level. Next, write an essay including the following: Explain the infractions. Justify the penalties from previous infractions and […]

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