
210 My Proposed Price(s) [ Penalty = 0.00(0) ] Comment: here are times when working as a team has advantages and others that benefit from individual contributions. The video, The Wisdom of the Crowds (PBS) (Links to an external site.) identifies some str

210 My Proposed Price(s) [ Penalty = 0.00(0) ] Comment: here are times when working as a team has advantages and others that benefit from individual contributions. The video, The Wisdom of the Crowds (PBS) (Links to an external site.) identifies some str

I’m working on a Management question and need guidance to help me study.


here are times when working as a team has advantages and others that benefit from individual contributions. The video, The Wisdom of the Crowds (PBS) (Links to an external site.) identifies some striking examples of when groups can solve problems far more effectively than individuals. And, the article, 10 Effects Of Groupthink And How To Avoid Them (Forbes) (Links to an external site.) offers some caution “when a team or organization becomes so similar in their outlook that they lose the ability to be creative.”

After watching the video and reading the article, please respond to the following prompts and questions:

  • Please share an experience when you led or were part of an initiative that benefited from, “the wisdom of the crowd.”
  • Please share an experience when you led or were part of an initiative that suffered from groupthink.
  • What actions did you or the leadership take to support creativity of the group or team?
  • What actions did you or the leadership take to reverse the trends of groupthink

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