
6.7 In 2008, the per capita consumption of coffee in the United States was reported to be 4.2 kg, or

6.7 In 2008, the per capita consumption of coffee in the United States was reported to be 4.2 kg, or


6.7 In 2008, the per capita consumption of coffee in the United States was reported to be 4.2 kg, or 9.24 pounds (data extracted from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_ by_coffee_consumption_per_capita). Assume that the per capita consumption of coffee in the United States is approximately distributed as a normal random variable, with a mean of 9.24 pounds and a standard deviation of 3 pounds. X 6 42? X 7 43? m = 50 s = 4, X 6 80 X 7 110? X 6 70? X 7 75? s = 10, m = 100 P1-1.96 6 Z 6 -0.212 P1Z6 -0.212 P1Z 7 1.082 230 CHAPTER 6 The Normal Distribution and Other Continuous Distributions a. What is the probability that someone in the United States consumed more than 10 pounds of coffee in 2008? b. What is the probability that someone in the United States consumed between 3 and 5 pounds of coffee in 2008? c. What is the probability that someone in the United States consumed less than 5 pounds of coffee in 2008? d. 99% of the people in the United States consumed less than how many pounds of coffee?

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