
A comparison of Regional Human Rights

A comparison of Regional Human Rights


A comparison of Regional Human Rights Instruments What are the major contrast between Inter-America and European Union? 1000 words? bellow are the commanded reference for assignment. R.K.M. Smith (2016) Textbook on International Human Rights, 7th ed., Oxford University Press, ch 7. EU related sources. Further Reading A. Mowbray (2005) ‘The Creativity of the European Court of Human Rights’, Human Rights Law Review, 5.1: 57–79. L. Wildhaber (2007) ‘The European Convention on Human Rights and International Law’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 56: 217-232. P. Alston, M. Brustelo and J. Heenan (eds.) (1999) The EU and Human Rights, Oxford University Press. N. Neuwahl and A. Rosas (eds.) (1995) The EU and Human Rights, Martinus Nijhoff. K Feus (ed) (2000) The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Text and Commentaries, Federal Trust. The European Convention on Human Rights J. R. Bauer and D. A. Bell eds,(1999) The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights, Cambridge University Press. J Christofensen and M Madsen (2013) The European Court of Human Rights: Between Law and Politics, Oxford University Press. J Wetzel (2011) The EU as a “Global Player” in Human Rights, Routledge. Some questions Do you agree with the view that the European Court of Human Rights has been creative and positive in its interpretation of the Convention? Provide a few examples. Does the concept of “responsible sovereignty” helps us to explain why European states respond in the ways they have to under the Convention? inter-america related sources

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