
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Federalism

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Federalism


Advantages and Disadvantages of Federalism

In your own words, please briefly define FEDERALISM:

In your own words, please a) explain the following advantages of federalism and b) give one specific example which took place sometime between January – September 2020.

1. Federalism encourages innovation. ‘States can be laboratories of democracy.’


2. Federalism provides flexibility. Different parts of the country work differently and federalism can accommodate a variety of viewpoints/diversity. ‘State and local government is closer to the people.’


In your own words, please a) explain the following disadvantages of federalism and b) give one specific example which took place sometime between January – September 2020.

1. Federalism creates inequality. There is ‘unequal distribution of resources across the states and unequal protection for civil rights.’


2. Federalism often encourages a lack of accountability, since there is always another government entity to blame.


DO YOU BELIEVE FEDERALISM IS THE BEST SYSTEM FOR THE UNITED STATES? WHY OR WHY NOT? Please respond to these questions, using two real-life examples to support your answer.

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