
Advantages & Disadvantages Of CRM Solutions

Advantages & Disadvantages Of CRM Solutions


Assume you are the IT manager for a small business with 50 employees. The company is growing rapidly and needs to implement a new multi-user Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution to help it more effectively and efficiently manage customer-facing operations and optimize sales leads. The company needs help primarily with sales, marketing, and customer service functions, but would like the CRM system to have additional functionality they may use in the future.

The CEO wants you to select an affordable, multi-user (5-10 users) scalable, and customizable CRM solution that can grow as more employees are hired, sales grow, and customer numbers increase. The company needs a CRM software solution (CRM application/platform) to support the three key phases (acquire, enhance, and retain) of its relationship with its customers and help it deal with its current and future growth. Additionally, the CRM solution must also meet the list of functionality requirements listed below.

CRM Solution Key Requirements:

Contact Management
Lead Management
Ease of Use
Customization Options
Reporting Functionality
Metrics Tools
Automation and Integrations
Marketing Automation
Email Management
Social Media Integration

Please review various CRM vendors currently available on the market. Then select three (3) CRM solutions that come the closest in meeting the specific needs of the company. Include at least one (1) Hosted CRM and one (1) On-Premise CRM solution. Summarize key functionality and features of each CRM solution making sure you include the key requirements listed above, at a minimum. Also review the advantages and disadvantages (actual or potential) of each CRM solution individually. Then proceed to compare and contrast key functionality, features, and prices across all three (3) CRM solutions. Make sure you cover all the key requirements listed above.

Finally identify which is the best CRM solution for your company and explain why it was selected. Present your findings to the CEO via a professional, substantive, and visually rich PowerPoint Presentation that meets all of the presentation guidelines listed below.

Presentation Guidelines:

Create a professional presentation with 15-20 slides of content that summarize your analysis (excluding the Title and References slides).
Prepare a minimum of 15 content slides (excluding the Title and References slides) PowerPoint Presentation that is professional, substantive, well structured and organized, and visually rich. Please do not exceed 20 content slides (excluding the Title and References slides).
1 Title slide + 15-20 Content slides + 1 References List slide
Each content slide should have sufficient content to clearly communicate the information covered. A screen-shot alone does not count as “content” or “analysis.”

Make sure the content is properly formatted, readable, and professional (free of spelling and grammar mistakes). Please use headings, multiple bullet points, and short phrases. Do NOT include long sentences or large blocks of text. Do NOT include content in ALL CAPS!
You must use bullets with short phrases and/or very short sentences, to organize all content on all slides. Do NOT include long sentences or entire paragraphs of content; they are not appropriate for a presentation. (You may include multiple sentences only in the Notes area in PowerPoint, if applicable.)

At least 12 of the content slides must include visually supportive graphics or images that enhance and complement the content on each slide. You must use complementary and different graphics/images/charts to support and enhance your presentation. If you use the same image or graphic on multiple content slides, it will only count as one (1) visual element for purposes of grading. Slide background theme alone does not count as a visual element.
Use the Notes area of each slide to provide background information, additional support, and/or clarification(s) for the content on each slide.

Provide a Title slide and a final slide for your References, fully cited in APA style and formatting. Do not count these two slides in the total content slides (15-20) required for the PowerPoint content guidelines.
Submit your professional and substantive PowerPoint Presentation as a properly formatted MS-PowerPoint file (make sure all guidelines are followed) in the corresponding Assignments area.
The comparing and contrasting analysis must be your own analysis written in your own words that you put together and organized based on the research of the three (3) CRM Solutions you selected, not a comparison that someone else has done and you copied and pasted into the presentation slides. Including screen-shots of comparisons done by other websites or reviewers is not acceptable!

Presentation Content Breakdown (15 content slides minimum):

2-3 slides – Introduction (Background Info, Preliminary review of CRM Solutions, etc.)
2-3 slides – Features/Functionality, Advantages & Disadvantages of CRM Solution #1
2-3 slides – Features/Functionality, Advantages & Disadvantages of CRM Solution #2
2-3 slides – Features/Functionality, Advantages & Disadvantages of CRM Solution #3
3-4 slides – Compare/Contrast Features/Functionality Across All 3 CRM Solutions
2-3 slides – Identify Best CRM Solution and Explain Reasons Why

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