
Amazon is an online discount retailer that has successfully entered other businesses, such as electronic devices with the Kindle, Kindle Fire, and Echo as well Amazon Web Services. Read what you can about Amazon’s entry into these new businesses, and try

Amazon is an online discount retailer that has successfully entered other businesses, such as electronic devices with the Kindle, Kindle Fire, and Echo as well Amazon Web Services. Read what you can about Amazon’s entry into these new businesses, and try

I’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.

Amazon is an online discount retailer that has successfully entered other businesses, such as electronic devices with the Kindle, Kindle Fire, and Echo as well Amazon Web Services. Read what you can about Amazon’s entry into these new businesses, and try to explain:

1. why you think they chose to compete in those market

2. their unique value is in those markets—why do they win with customers

3. what resources and capabilities did they possess that they were able to utilize to succeed in the new markets; and what new capabilities did they need to develop; and

4. what makes it hard for competitors to imitate their offerings.

12 Times Roman font, and 2 spaced.

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