
An Information Technology (IT) security policy framework supports business objectives and legal obligations.

An Information Technology (IT) security policy framework supports business objectives and legal obligations.

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An Information Technology (IT) security policy framework supports business objectives and legal obligations. It also promotes an organizations core vales and defines how it identifies, manages and disposes of risk. A core objective of a security framework is to establish a strong control mindset, which creates an organization’s risk culture.

Textbook:Johnson, Rob. Security Policies and Implementation Issues, 2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett, 2015

1. See page 225 – “Private Sector Case Study” – How are security frameworks applied in this Case Study?

2. See page 226 – “Public Sector Case Study” – How are security frameworks applied in this Case Study?

3. See page 228 – “Critical Infrastructure Case Study – How are security frameworks applied in this Case Study?

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