
analyzing interpreting and assessing visual art

analyzing interpreting and assessing visual art


Read Chapter 8
Selected Art:
Enguerrand Quarton, (Coronation of the Virgin, 1453-54)
Provide a response of approximately 150 words for each of the following:
Describe the artwork in terms of the six elements of visual design: line, space, light and color, texture, pattern, and time and motion. Focus on the elements that are most relevant to your selected work of art.
Analyze the work in terms of the five principles of visual design: balance, emphasis and focal point, scale and proportion, repetition and rhythm, and unity and variety. Focus on the principles that are most relevant to your selected work of art.
Evaluate the quality of the artwork based on the elements and principles of visual design. Analyze and interpret what the artist intended to communicate through this artwork, including the significance of the title, if any.
Assess the cultural and historical value of this artwork. Does it qualify as great art in your opinion? Justify your answer.

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