
Answer all of the questions below with a brief reflection (150- 300 words each p

Answer all of the questions below with a brief reflection (150- 300 words each p


Answer all of the questions below with a brief reflection (150- 300 words each per question maximum).
Chapter 11
1. Describe the effects non-sexual procreative techniques has already had and will have on sexual expression.
2. Describe five life conditions that should ideally be met before having a child. Be as specific as possible. Read at least one student discussion and comment about any differences between yours and theirs. 
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a parent. How do committed relationships in which the partners decide to remain childless differ from those with children? 
4. Compare the beliefs of individuals who hold strong pro-choice values with those of individuals who are anti-abortion.
Crooks, R. L., & Baur, K. (2021). Our sexuality (14th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

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