
AOJ110, APA FORmatting, 300 words , easy english, 300 words.

AOJ110, APA FORmatting, 300 words , easy english, 300 words.

I’m studying for my Law class and need an explanation.

you will submit a QTIP (Quote, Thought, Interesting Point). The assignment is designed to assist you learn concepts in the class. Your post should have factual information and YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR PERSONAL THOUGHTS and OPINIONS on the topic as well. If you do not include this, you will not receive full credit.

Discussion Specifics

Respond to the following:

Should police be prohibited from using stop-and-frisk tactics to deter criminal activity? What are the benefits of stop and frisk? What concerns do you have with this tactic?


First, you will post to the forum by providing some background information followed up by your thoughts and opinions on the respective topic. It must be substantive and thoughtful dialogue. Use outside sources such as the news, Internet, popular media, your textbook, journal articles, etc…to assist you here. Make sure to cite your work.

This section must be at least 300 words minimum. Include a word count in parenthesis at the end.

Make sure to use proper APA formatting to cite your work.

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