
APA format. Please read instructions and references.

APA format. Please read instructions and references.

1-page Reflection paper in which you identify the main religious idea from one of the videos and then discuss how that idea is shaped by a consideration that is not religious. As you write, consider the following:

  • In what way does the globalization of communication affect the way we understand religion as a culture?
  • How do the ideas in each of the videos relate to your own religious identity?
  • How have actions and/or events in your own life challenged “traditional” ways of thinking about religion?
Required Media

Christian Universities Online. (2015). Top 10 TED Talks on religion. Retrieved from http://www.christianuniversitiesonline.org/top-10-ted-talks-on-religion/

From this website, review A Life of Purpose (2006) by Rick Warren. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 21 minutes.
From this website, review Let’s Teach Religion—All Religion—in Schools (2006) by Dan Dennett. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 25 minutes.
From this website, review Science Can Answer Moral Questions (2010) by Sam Harris. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 23 minutes.

Discussion: The Religious Marketplace

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