
Ascend Company makes three models of jump drives in its factory: J512, J1G, and J4G. The expected…

Ascend Company makes three models of jump drives in its factory: J512, J1G, and J4G. The expected…


Ascend Company makes three models of jump drives in its factory: J512, J1G, and J4G. The expected overhead costs for the next fiscal year are as follows:

Payroll for factory managers ………………………. $150,000

Factory maintenance costs …………………………. 60,000

Factory insurance …………………………………… 30,000

Total overhead costs ……………………………… $240,000

Ascend uses labor hours as the cost driver to allocate overhead cost. Budgeted labor hours for the products are as follows:

J512 ……………………… 2,000 hours

J1G ……………………. 1,200

J4G …………………… 800

Total labor hours ……….. 4,000


a. Allocate the budgeted overhead costs to the products.

b. Provide a possible explanation as to why Ascend chose labor hours, instead of machine hours, as the allocation base.

Ascend Company makes three models of jump drives in its

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