
Assignment #021 | English homework help

Assignment #021 | English homework help


Current Issue Response

The purpose of the Current Issue Response or CIR has several layers. Each CIR

should do the following:

1. Improve analytical skills

2. Improve argumentative writing skills

3. Expand critical thinking

4. Attain knowledge of current issues, locally, nationally and globally

5. Challenge personal ideologies

Your Task

For each CIR you will research a current issue. Each CIR should be on a different

topic and should vary from local news to world news.

§ Begin your CIR by properly introducing the topic, the name of the article and

it’s author or editor

§ Explain what sparked your interest in this particular topic

§ Respond to the issue – here you can discuss how you feel, offer solutions,

validate the issue or problem, expand on frustrations, etc.

Keep in mind that response papers are informal records of your thoughts,

impressions and reactions; therefore writing a complete summary of the issue is not

acceptable. Being right is irrelevant: there are no right or wrong responses. What I

want is your thoughtful engagements with these current issues, happening now,



· Length: at least one FULL page, please not more than 1 ½

· you must include a works cited page and provide in-text citation if you incorporate

quotes. Failure to do either of these is a form of plagiarism and will result in an

automatic zero

· You ARE allowed to use first and second person references (“I” and “you”)

· Follow ALL MLA guidelines

· Title – should be CIR #1, CIR#2, CIR#3, and so forth

Please refer to your Writers Reference textbooks or MLA guidance upload on D2L

for more help on formatting.

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