
Assignment needs to be done by today at 8pm eastern Two page Essay character analysis

Assignment needs to be done by today at 8pm eastern Two page Essay character analysis


ENG2480Major Assignment #3
Essay #2:CharacterAnalysis Essay
Paper Specifications:2Full Pages excluding WorksCited page. Typed. Double Spaced.One-inchMargins.12pt. Font.Times New Roman. Proper MLA.
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Due Date: MondayJune19 2017in Blackboard by11:00pm
Using the STEAL method or Foil Charactersconcept analyze how the authorconstructs acharacter.Your analytical argument should focus on howthe author createsthe characterand how the author uses the characterto embodythe theme of the work.
Find one scholarly source to help support your essays thesis.
Chooseonly one characterfrom the following listas your main point of analysis:
Oscar WildesThe Importance of Being Earnest:
oMiss Prism
Robert Louis StevensonsThe Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde:
oMr. Poole
oMr. Gabriel JohnUtterson
oDr. Hastie Lanyon
Remember always establish clear criteria during your argumentation. You need a clear thesis to guide the essay and argumentative topic sentences to guide each paragraph. You are essentially discussinghowan author creates the personality of a fictional character and howthatcharacter helps develop the meaning and significance of a work so make sure you assert your interpretation.
Do not summarize!Consider that your audience has read the workandhasbeen exposed to the key literaryterms so you do not need to define them.
Do not evaluate!Avoid judging how well the authorwrites or how good or bad the poem is. Analyze the importance of theliterary device and remain objective.
***Numerous essays exist about these works. Do not be tempted to plagiarize! Use close reading and your critical thinking skills to approach your selected topic***
Remember you will lose 10 points for every day youdo not turn in the essay after its due date.
This publication is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact the Accessibility Resource Center in the D. F. Lowry Building521-6695.

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