
Attached Files: File Film_Showings.pdf Film_Showings.pdf – Alternative Formats (95.827 KB) Given the attached requirements for a Film Showings database, develop and document your detailed plan for what Tables and needed in the database and how those Table

Attached Files: File Film_Showings.pdf Film_Showings.pdf – Alternative Formats (95.827 KB) Given the attached requirements for a Film Showings database, develop and document your detailed plan for what Tables and needed in the database and how those Table

I’m working on a Computer Science question and need guidance to help me study.

Attached Files:

Given the attached requirements for a Film Showings database, develop and document your detailed plan for what Tables and needed in the database and how those Tables are related to each other.

Use whatever notation or documentation method you have been taught for expressing such a design that will satisfy the requirements of the problem.

DO NOT BUILD and tables in your MySQL database for this assignment. This is an exercise in understanding and designing to meet user requirements and to come up with a workable plan for relational database tables. It is NOT an exercise in building those tables.

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