
based on the above information and global health organizations, what are the health priorities for this country?

based on the above information and global health organizations, what are the health priorities for this country?


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March 19, 2021

Flag records for deficiencies, and in general to be sure that records are kept accurately and up to date. In this facility the copying of medication orders is done only by credentialed nursing personnel.

March 19, 2021

Health Priorities: based on the above information and global health organizations, what are the health priorities for this country?
Country with High Mortality Rates
1. Summarize factors that influence the health of its citizens, including its health care system and delivery in your country of choice with high mortality rate.2. Determine health priorities, and3. Discuss the role of nurses and nursing in those health priorities.PAPER HEADINGS:1. Introduction: [Name of Country] & Why you selected it.2. Location/Geography3. Population4. Government5. Economy6. State of Health (Diseases/Violence/Accidents)7. Culture/Traditional Medicine8.Healthcare System and Delivery: this section should include:i. Governmental Health-Related Agencies (such as the Ministry of Health), and Health Regulatory Organizations (if any)ii. Healthcare Personnel: EX: Number of Nurses and Doctorsiii. Nursing Education System and Accrediting Organizations (if any)iv. Nursing Associations9.Health Priorities: based on the above information and global health organizations, what are the health priorities for this country?10.Nursing Implications: how can the nursing profession and nurses working in this country play a part in addressing the health priorities?
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