
Blooming Greens




OVERVIEW: People have started realizing how important plants and trees are for the humanity moreover, people have started keeping plants in their homes because it serves two purposes, one, it keeps the air purified and two, it enhances the overall appearance of the home. The question is whether people can maintain them? and do they know what kind of plants are perfect according to their home size and conditions? The answer is NO! 


Blooming Greens will be an online platform where users could buy plants by first adding their house location and type of house in which they reside. The experts at Blooming Greens will then analyze and will suggest customers what kind of plants will be apt for their house, and after selecting, the plants will be delivered to them at their doorstep. In addition to this, there will be different subscriptions as well, in which, Blooming Greens will provide its customers maintenance services. The maintenance services will include experts visiting the customer’s house to check the health of the plants on regular intervals and to maintain them according to the needs of the plant. Secondly, Blooming Greens also could keep the plants of its customers under supervision if the customers have to be away for a longer period of time from their houses so that, when they come back their plants will be healthy and lush green with Blooming Greens.  

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