
BSBPMG522 Undertake project work

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work


Student Name Student ID
task outcomes
TASK 1 ☐ C ☐ NYC ☐ NA Type of
☐ First submission
☐ First re-submission
☐ Second re
TASK 2 ☐ C ☐ NYC ☐ NA
TASK 3 ☐ C ☐ NYC ☐ NA
Final Unit
☐ Competent Competent ☐ Not Yet Submission Date
Assessor Name Assessor

This Page is
intentionally left

Purpose: This sheet provides an overview of a student’s competency for each unit based on all assessment tasks submitted.
Instructions: Assessor: Record the outcome of each assessment task and determine the student’s competency for the unit based on all
assessment tasks. Record the unit outcome below, sign and date.
Admin Team: Record the unit outcome in RTO Manager and save the assessment bundle in the student’s file. A scanned copy of this document
is to be retained once the assessment is destroyed.
Student Name Student ID
Unit Code BSBPMG522
Unit Title Undertake project work
Type of
□ First Submission
□ First Re-submission
□ Second Re-submission
Assessment Task Results (Please tick)
Assessment 1 □ C (Competent) □ NYC (Not Yet Competent) □NA (Not Assessed)
Assessment 2 □ C (Competent) □ NYC (Not Yet Competent) □NA (Not Assessed)
Assessment 3 □ C (Competent) □ NYC (Not Yet Competent) □NA (Not Assessed)
Final Assessment Result for this unit ☐ Competent ☐ Not Yet Competent
In completing this assessment, I confirm that the participant has demonstrated all unit outcomes
through consistent and repeated application of skills with competent performance in multiple
instances over a period of time.
Evidence collected has been confirmed as:Valid  Sufficient  Current  Authentic
Assessor Name Assessor
Data Entry
Admin Officer
Date Entered
☐ YES ☐ No

Section One: Declaration
 I declare that this assessment is my own work, except where acknowledged, and has not
been submitted for academic credit elsewhere, and acknowledge that the assessor of this item may,
for the purpose of assessing this item:
 reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another member of the Institute; and/or,
 communicate a copy of this assessment item to a plagiarism checking service (which may
then retain a copy of the assessment item on its database for the purpose of future plagiarism
 I understand it is my responsibility as a student to keep a copy of the assessment prior to
submission, Albright Institute takes no responsibility for lost in transit. If required I may be asked to
reproduce another copy of the assessment/s.
 I understand that it is my responsibility to read all the policies relevant to my course and
college and if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against

Section Two: Agreement
Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement
below. Make sure you sign this before you start any of your assessments.
 Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of
 Yes  No
 Do you understand the requirements of this assessment?  Yes  No
 Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?  Yes  No
 Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this
assessment? If yes, what are they?
 Yes  No
 Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an
 Yes  No

This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of BSBPMG522 Undertake
project work
About your assessments
This unit requires that you complete three (3) assessment tasks. You must complete all tasks with
a competent result to achieve competency for this unit. Please read the information below
about each task included in this assessment.

Assessment Task 1 Case Study
 Task 1.1 – Develop a project management plan
In this task, you will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements
through completing the required task and answering a series of questions.
Assessment Task 2 Presentation
 Task 2.1 – Present your project management plan
In this task, you will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements
through a presentation to your stakeholders.
Assessment Task 3 Finalisation
 Task 3.2 – Finalise your project
In this task, you will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements
through completing and submitting answers to written questions.

What is competency?
To complete assessment tasks satisfactorily you will need to demonstrate competence – but
what does this mean?
In the Australian vocational education and training system, the concept of competence, is
defined as: “The ability to perform tasks and duties to the standard expected in the workplace”.
Competence involves the application of specific skills, knowledge and attitudes to the work
performance in an industry, an industry sector or an enterprise. Competence is rarely achieved
in a one-off demonstration. It needs to be developed holistically – that is, bringing a range of
skills and knowledge together – and over time in a real or simulated workplace. To achieve
competence, you need to demonstrate that you can perform a given task to the standard
defined in an endorsed unit of competency.
How to submit your assessments?
When you have completed each assessment you will need to submit it to your assessor.
Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task. Make
sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the
documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.
Assessment Task Cover Sheet
At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet.
Please fill it in for each task, making sure you sign the student declaration.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this
on the back of the Task Cover Sheet.
Assessment outcomes
Once the assessment has been completed the student will be given the result within 14 days.
Once the student has satisfactorily completed the required assessments for a unit of
competency he/she will receive an outcome of C (Competent) or otherwise NYC (Not Yet
Competent) in which case the student is entitled to apply for a resubmission of the assessment.
Reasonable adjustments
Wherever possible, trainers/assessors will make reasonable adjustments to training and
assessment processes to ensure all people are treated equally in the training and assessment
Students who have special needs may be allowed reasonable adjustment at the time of
assessment in line with the Albright Institute’s Policy and Procedures.
To meet the needs of all learners’ adjustments can be made to the way assessments are
conducted but not to the requirements of the assessment. The purpose of these adjustments is
to enhance fairness and flexibility so that the specific needs of students can be met.
Examples of reasonable adjustments
 providing additional time for student to practice the assessment tasks

presenting questions orally for students with literacy issues
asking questions in a relevant practical context
adapting machinery and equipment to make it more easily used
presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words and
simplifying the design of tasks

It is the responsibility of each assessor to assess students’ needs and make whatever reasonable
adjustments are practicable to maximise a students’ opportunity to demonstrate their
Assessment re-submission
If a student is deemed NYC (not yet competent) the Trainer/Assessor (TRN) will explain why and
inform the student of what needs to be completed in order to demonstrate competence.
Re-assessment for assessments only occurs if the student has previously submitted the
assessment or has missed the relevant session(s) and has been afforded special consideration
which is approved by the Administration department.
If the result for the first submission of an assessment is NYC, students will be given two resubmission opportunities to achieve a competent result (this re-assessment is conducted free
of charge). A suitable time will be arranged for the reassessment to occur within 14 days of the
completion of the unit in question. Should a student either not make an attempt within this time
frame (in spite of all efforts by Albright Institute, its Trainer/Assessor and administration staff to
have the student attend a reassessment session) or the student does not achieve a satisfactory
result after two re-assessments they may be charged for another attempt.
Should the student still not achieve competence after these assessment attempts, it will be
necessary for them to re-enrol in (repeat) the unit of competence at a cost.
Assessment appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by filling an appeal form. Ask for an
appeal for from a student support officer. Refer to Albright Institute’s Assessment Policy for more
information about our appeals process.
Plagiarism Policy
All student work must be written in their own words, except where acknowledged through
quotations and referencing. Plagiarism is a serious offence; Albright Institute may impose severe
penalties on students who plagiarise.
For more information on Plagiarism and Cheating refer to Albright Institute’s policies.
Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a
copy of your work.

Student ID
Unit Code
and Name
BSBPMG522 – Undertake project work Date of submission
I declare that
 these tasks are my own work.
 None of this work has been completed by any other person.
 I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these
assessment tasks.
 I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken
against me.
Assessment Task Task Result Date Type Of Submission
Case study □ C (Competent)
□ NYC (Not Yet
□NA (Not Assessed)
☐ First submission
☐ First re-submission
☐ Second re
Assessor feedback
Assessor Name
Assessor Signature
P1 1.1 Access project scope and other relevant documentation
P2 1.2 Define project stakeholders
P3 2.1 Develop project plan in line with the project parameters
P4 2.2 Identify and access appropriate project management tools
P5 2.3 Formulate risk management plan for project, including Work
Health and Safety (WHS)
P6 2.4 Develop and approve project budget
P7 2.5 Consult team members and take their views into account in
planning the project
P8 2.6 Finalise project plan and gain necessary approvals to
commence project according to documented plan
P9 3.1 Take action to ensure project team members are clear about
their responsibilities and the project requirements
P10 3.2 Provide support for project team members, especially with
regard to specific needs, to ensure that the quality of the
expected outcomes of the project and documented time lines are
P11 3.5 Complete and forward project reports as required to
P12 3.6 Undertake risk management as required to ensure project
outcomes are met
P13 3.7 Achieve project deliverables
P14 4.1 Complete financial recordkeeping associated with project and
check for accuracy
P15 4.2 Ensure transition of staff involved in project to new roles or
reassignment to previous roles
P16 4.3 Complete project documentation and obtain necessary sign
offs for concluding project
P17 5.1 Review project outcomes and processes against the project
scope and plan
P18 5.3 Document lessons learned from the project and report within
the organisation
This is the first (1st) assessment task you have to successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit of competency.
The assessment task is comprised of an activity to develop a project management
plan and then answer eight (7) questions requiring written answers
You must answer all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor to be
deemed satisfactory in this task
It is estimated that this task will take between 6 and 8 hours to complete
You will receive your feedback within two weeks – you will be notified by your
Trainer/Assessor when results are available.
• All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as open book tests (this
means you are able to refer to your textbook during the test).
• You must read and answer all questions.
• You must use computers to answer the questions.
• You must complete the task independently.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task
will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• As you complete this assessment task you are predominately demonstrating your
written skills and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
• The trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to
ensure that this is your own work.
& reattempts
• Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt two
further resubmissions will be allowed.
• You must speak to your Trainer/Assessor if you have any difficulty in completing this
• For more information, please refer to your trainer/assessor.
Location • This assessment task may be completed manually, via a learning management
system or an independent learning environment.
• Your trainer/assessor will provide you further information regarding the location of
completing this assessment task.
Instructions to
the participant
to complete
this assessment
All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the written assessment to be
deemed competent.
Please write your responses in the space provided on supplied template for written
assessment work.
You may attach separate sheets if required.
You must include the following particulars in the header and footer section of each
page of the attached sheets:
 Student ID or Student Name
 Unit ID or Unit Code
 Course ID or Course Code
 Trainer and assessor name
 Page numbers
Appropriate references/citations are required.
The participant must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other
personnel but may refer to reference material as may be needed.
The following materials required to record the participant’s performance
 This written assessment.
 The provided project management plan template
 Student workbook & classroom slides/notes
 Computer with word processing software and access to the Internet
If the participant is unable to undertake the written assessment as designed, an
interview (verbal questioning) may be used as an alternate approach.
How your
will assess your
 This assessment task requires the student to answer all the questions
 Answers must demonstrate the student’s understanding and knowledge of the unit.
 If all assessment tasks are deemed Satisfactory (S), then the unit outcome is
Competent (C)
 If three or more of the assessment tasks is deemed not satisfactory, then the unit
outcome is Not Yet Competent (NYC)
 If your trainer/assessor has marked your assessment as NYC you will be granted two
attempts to resubmit the work in order to achieve a Competent result (C)
 Once all assessment tasks allocated to this Unit of Competency have been
undertaken, your trainer/assessor will complete an Assessment Details and Results
Sheet to record the unit outcome. The outcome will be either Competent (C) or
Not Yet Competent (NYC).
Purpose of the
Refer to the Performance Criteria on Page 9 for a full explanation on the purpose of
this task.
What needs to
be submitted:
 A completed project management plan
 Answers to questions a-h

Assessment Task 1 – Case Study
Instructions to complete this assessment task:
Task 1.1 may be completed in groups of up to 4 students. If undertaking this work in a group,
all contributions must be clearly acknowledged and all students in the group will need to be
able to explain all details of the submission. Task 1.2 must be completed individually
Read the scenario below and answer a series of questions. Alternatively, you are able to use
your own project provided prior approval has been given by your trainer/assessor at Albright
You work for a legal firm in Melbourne called Baldrick, Black, Adder & Partners. They are a
very old Melbourne law firm and have been in operation since 1923. They have offices at 232
Collins St but the building is quite old and in need of renovation. Baldrick, Black, Adder &
Partners decide that it is cheaper for them to renovate and modernise their office rather than
move to new premises and they put you in charge of planning and managing the project to
renovate the office.
The space that is being used is quite disorganised and crowded with very little storage for
client files. Staff desks are very close together with little privacy, senior partners have offices
but junior partners and other staff do not. It is uncomfortable with old desks and chairs that do
not meet modern OHS requirements and there have been a lot of complaints from both staff
and clients. The partners fear they are losing money with clients leaving them for other law
You have been asked by management to lead a project team to redesign this office space,
to resolve the complaints from staff and to ensure that the design and new layout is more
ergonomic, comfortable and a better designed space to work from.
Task 1.1 – Group activity
Create a Project Management Plan using the provided template. This project management plan
will consist of all the components and instructions you will need to be able to undertake your
project. The project management plan will consist of the following sections:
a. Reason for the project (including the project objectives)
b. Project sponsor name and details for sign off
c. How the project will be managed, including plans for providing staff support.
d. Project quality requirements and plan
e. Who the stakeholders are for the project and what power/authority they may have
in the project.
f. The scope of the project and the plan for managing this scope including scope
change processes.
g. This document will also include your
i. project schedule

communication plans including your stakeholder management plans,
project deliverables and milestones
iv. Project assumptions and constraints
v. project budget

vi. project resource requirements
vii. expected project risks and issues and how these will be managed.
Task 1.2. – Individual activity
Answer the following questions. This task can only be completed individually and your answers
should be no less than 40 words per question.
h. For maximum efficiency you will need to ensure all your team members understand
their responsibilities and positions. What action will you take to guarantee their
understanding? Explain.
i. Some furniture that is being reused is heavy and difficult to move. What support or
training will you provide for your workers with to ensure they remain safe and that
all WHS requirements are met?
j. What outcomes do you expect to achieve with the completion of this project?
Give explanations.
k. The office manager who has assigned you to the project has asked you to keep
strict records of the project costs and all financial records for the project. What
financial records do you need to keep and how do you check them for accuracy?
l. One of your project team is unhappy that they are going to be asked to help
move the furniture at the start of the project to allow for the refurbishment to take
place. How might you resolve this problem? (give examples)
m. You are nearing the end of your project, the renovation and refurbishment is
almost complete and the office is starting to look a lot more welcoming. What
documentation might you need to complete in the closure phase of the project
and who would you need to receive sign off from? Outline this process.
n. On completion of the project when all the work is done, you will need to conduct a
project review. Who needs to be involved in this review and what will be their
involvement/input? Give explanations.
o. What obstacles might you have had to overcome during the project? Reflect on
how you would have dealt with these obstacles and provide at least 3 examples.
What to submit:
 A completed project management plan
 Answers to questions h – o above
Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a
copy of your work.

Student ID
Unit Code
and Name
BSBPMG522 – Undertake project work Date of submission
I declare that
 these tasks are my own work.
 None of this work has been completed by any other person.
 I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these
assessment tasks.
 I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken
against me.
Assessment Task Task Result Date Type Of Submission
Presentation □ C (Competent)
□ NYC (Not Yet
□NA (Not Assessed)
☐ First submission
☐ First re-submission
☐ Second re
Assessor feedback
Assessor Name
Assessor Signature
P1 2.5 Consult team members and take their views into account in
planning the project
P2 2.6 Finalise project plan and gain necessary approvals to
commence project according to documented plan
P3 Participates in verbal discussions using clear language and
appropriate features to present or seek information
P4 Using listening and questioning skills to seek information and
confirm understanding
This is the second (2nd) assessment task you have to successfully complete to be
deemed competent in this unit of competency.
The assessment task requires you to present the project management plan that you
developed in Task 1.
You must answer all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor to be
deemed satisfactory in this task
It is estimated that this task will take between 2 and 3 hours to complete
You will receive your feedback within two weeks – you will be notified by your
Trainer/Assessor when results are available.
• All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as open book tests (this
means you are able to refer to your textbook during the test).
• You must read and answer all questions.
• You must use computers to answer the questions.
• You must complete the task independently.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task
will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• As you complete this assessment task you are predominately demonstrating your
written skills and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
• The trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to
ensure that this is your own work.
& reattempts
• Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt two
further resubmissions will be allowed.
• You must speak to your Trainer/Assessor if you have any difficulty in completing this
• For more information, please refer to your trainer/assessor.
Location • This assessment task may be completed manually, via a learning management
system or an independent learning environment.
• Your trainer/assessor will provide you further information regarding the location of
completing this assessment task.
Instructions to
the participant
to complete
this assessment
All questions must be answered and the role-play performed satisfactorily for the
assessment to be completed satisfactorily.
It is anticipated that the assessment will take approximately 1 hour to complete.
The role-play will take a maximum of 30 minutes to be completed
The participant must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other
personnel, but may refer to reference material as may be needed.
The following materials required to record the participant’s performance
 This written assessment
 Your completed project management plan
 Student workbook & classroom slides/notes
 Computer with word processing software and access to the Internet
about the role
• Please note that the task includes participation in a role-play.
• The aim of the task is for you to demonstrate verbally your understanding of
continuous improvement and your ability to communicate effectively with your
• This type of learning provides a controlled environment in which role-players can
practice skills, roles and processes.
• In addition to preparing your own role-play, learning is reinforced by observing other
team members and offering comments and constructive feedback.
• This role-play focuses on the elements and performance criteria for the unit of
competence, which is available on the training package website
• You have to present your role-play to your trainer/assessor on the due date.
• Reasonable adjustment will be allowed for those candidates who are eligible to
receive it.
• Please read through the instructions and assessment information carefully, prior to
commencing the tasks.
If the participant is unable to undertake the written assessment as designed, an
interview (verbal questioning) may be used as an alternate approach.
How your
will assess your
 This assessment task requires the student to answer all the questions
 Answers must demonstrate the student’s understanding and knowledge of the unit.
 If all assessment tasks are deemed Satisfactory (S), then the unit outcome is
Competent (C)
 If three or more of the assessment tasks is deemed not satisfactory, then the unit
outcome is Not Yet Competent (NYC)
 If your trainer/assessor has marked your assessment as NYC you will be granted two
attempts to resubmit the work in order to achieve a Competent result (C)
 Once all assessment tasks allocated to this Unit of Competency have been
undertaken, your trainer/assessor will complete an Assessment Details and Results
Sheet to record the unit outcome. The outcome will be either Competent (C) or
Not Yet Competent (NYC).
Purpose of the
Refer to the Performance Criteria on Page 16 for a full explanation on the purpose of
this task.
What needs to
be submitted:
 A copy of your PowerPoint presentation and any associated materials
 A copy of all communications and meeting notes used in the preparation of your

Assessment Task 2 – Present your project plan and
implement your project
Instructions to complete this assessment task:
This task may be completed in groups of up to 4 students. If undertaking this work in a group,
all contributions must be clearly acknowledged and all students in the group will need to be
able to explain all details of the submission.
Read the scenario below and answer a series of questions. Alternatively, you are able to use
your own project provided prior approval has been given by your trainer/assessor at Albright
Task 1.
1. You have now developed your project management plan, defined your scope, your
schedule and your budget. Your project team have been assigned and you have engaged
a builder to undertake all the work required as well as an interior decorator who will complete
the office design and fit out. It is now time to present your plan to the senior partners at
Baldrick, Black, Adder & Partners.
You are required to:
Develop a presentation (no longer than 20 minutes) to be presented to the senior partners at
Baldrick, Black, Adder & Partners (roles played by your assessor and classmates).

Use Microsoft PowerPoint to develop your presentation. Include graphics to support
the explanation of the content.
Ensure that your PowerPoint presentation is clear, concise and error free.
Your PowerPoint presentation must address:

Your planned project scope.
Your timeline for delivery of the project.
An outline of your communication policy.
Your expected project budget.
Any risks that you have identified that will need to be managed.
Your project team structure
Ensure that all members of the group are aware of your project budget and the
timelines for delivery and are able to work together to complete the project
All team members must contribute to the project plan and the presentation equally.
Ensure that you take minutes of all meetings held and submit these as evidence of
communication between the team members.
Submit your presentation to your assessor. Your assessor will advise you of the date
and time you will be required to deliver the presentation.

2. Deliver your presentation.

Deliver your project plan to the senior partners at Baldrick, Black, Adder & Partners
(role played by your assessor and classmates)
Ensure that you address all the required content and encourage audience to ask
questions and provide you with feedback
When finishing your presentation you must ask permission to proceed with your project
from your project sponsor (played by your trainer/assessor)

What to submit:
 A copy of your PowerPoint presentation and any associated materials

A copy of all communications and meeting notes used in the preparation of your

Role Play checklist
(To be completed by the trainer/assessor at the time of the role play/observation and submitted by the
student at the time of assessment submission.)
Student Name: _____________________________ Student ID: ______________________
Date of Assessment: ________________________ Signed: _________________________

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task the participant needs to
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence
S N/S Comments and feedback to
a) Sought clarification from delegating authority
of issues related to project and project
b) consult and communicate with relevant
stakeholders to generate input and
engagement in planning, implementing and
reviewing the project
c) implement a project plan including:
 deliverables
 work breakdown
 budget and allocation of resources
 timelines
 risk management
 recordkeeping and reporting
d) Displayed good negotiation skills while
discussion with relevant stakeholders to
establish the project objectives through
o Appropriate and professional body
o Appropriate gestures and tone
o Good listening skills
e) Using listening and questioning skills to seek
information and confirm understanding
f) Participates in verbal discussions using clear
language and appropriate features to present
or seek information

Assessors Name: ________________________ Title: ______________________
Signed: _________________________________ Date: _____________________
Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a
copy of your work.

Student ID
Unit Code
and Name
BSBPMG522 – Undertake project work Date of submission
I declare that
 these tasks are my own work.
 None of this work has been completed by any other person.
 I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these
assessment tasks.
 I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken
against me.
Assessment Task Task Result Date Type Of Submission
Project finalisation □ C (Competent)
□ NYC (Not Yet
□NA (Not Assessed)
☐ First submission
☐ First re-submission
☐ Second re
Assessor feedback
Assessor Name
Assessor Signature
P1 4.1 Complete financial recordkeeping associated with project and
check for accuracy
P2 4.2 Ensure transition of staff involved in project to new roles or
reassignment to previous roles
P3 4.3 Complete project documentation and obtain necessary sign
offs for concluding project
P4 4.1 Complete financial recordkeeping associated with project and
check for accuracy
P5 5.1 Review project outcomes and processes against the project
scope and plan
P6 5.2 Involve team members in the project review
P7 5.3 Document lessons learned from the project and report within
the organisation
This is the third (3rd) assessment task you have to successfully complete to be
deemed competent in this unit of competency.
The assessment task requires you to conduct project closure activities and report on
those activities
You must answer all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor to be
deemed satisfactory in this task
It is estimated that this task will take between 2 and 3 hours to complete
You will receive your feedback within two weeks – you will be notified by your
Trainer/Assessor when results are available.
• All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as open book tests (this
means you are able to refer to your textbook during the test).
• You must read and answer all questions.
• You must use computers to answer the questions.
• You must complete the task independently.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task
will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• As you complete this assessment task you are predominately demonstrating your
written skills and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
• The trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to
ensure that this is your own work.
& reattempts
• Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt two
further resubmissions will be allowed.
• You must speak to your Trainer/Assessor if you have any difficulty in completing this
• For more information, please refer to your trainer/assessor.
Location • This assessment task may be completed manually, via a learning management
system or an independent learning environment.
• Your trainer/assessor will provide you further information regarding the location of
completing this assessment task.
Instructions to
the participant
to complete
this assessment
All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the written assessment to be
deemed competent.
Please write your responses in the space provided on this assessment.
You may attach separate sheets if required.
You must include the following particulars in the footer section of each page of the
attached sheets:
 Student ID or Student Name
 Unit ID or Unit Code
 Course ID or Course Code
 Trainer and assessor name
 Page numbers
Appropriate references/citations are required.
The participant must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other
personnel but may refer to reference material as may be needed.
The following materials required to record the participant’s performance
 This written assessment.
 Student workbook & classroom slides/notes
 Computer with word processing software and access to the Internet
If the participant is unable to undertake the written assessment as designed, an
interview (verbal questioning) may be used as an alternate approach.
How your
will assess your
 This assessment task requires the student to answer all the questions
 Answers must demonstrate the student’s understanding and knowledge of the unit.
 If all assessment tasks are deemed Satisfactory (S), then the unit outcome is
Competent (C)
 If three or more of the assessment tasks is deemed not satisfactory, then the unit
outcome is Not Yet Competent (NYC)
 If your trainer/assessor has marked your assessment as NYC you will be granted two
attempts to resubmit the work in order to achieve a Competent result (C)
 Once all assessment tasks allocated to this Unit of Competency have been
undertaken, your trainer/assessor will complete an Assessment Details and Results
Sheet to record the unit outcome. The outcome will be either Competent (C) or
Not Yet Competent (NYC).
Purpose of the
Refer to the Performance Criteria on Page 24 for a full explanation on the purpose of
this task.
What needs to
be submitted:
An answer to all questions written on separate sheets attached to this assessment
with full student details in the header/footer as explained above.

Assessment Task 3 – Manage project finalisation activities
This task must be completed individually
Instructions to complete this assessment task:
Your project is now successfully completed, the builders have left and the office is now fresh
and feeling very new. It was delivered 19 days after the contractual delivery date due to the
delay in the new carpet being delivered, illness of one of the builders for 1 week due to
influenza and the fact that painting of the walls took longer than expected due to problems
with the previous (old) paint.
As the Project Manager you must perform the following project finalisation activities:
Task 3.1 List the various project finalisation activities and allocate each activity to the
relevant stakeholders who are responsible to complete those activities.
Task 3.2 The project is now coming to an end and you have been given approval by
the project sponsor to start the closure activities for the project. As the project
manager one of the activities you will perform is releasing your project team from the
project for them to either return to their external agencies or, in the case of
permanent Baldrick, Black, Adder & Partners staff, return to their usual positions.
You are required to send an email to let the team members know about the
conclusion of the project and in this email you must state that according to the
company policy you are giving them 10 days’ notice confirming that the project
team is disbanding and team members returned to their other, non-project related
Task 3.3 Send a second email, this time to your project sponsor explaining that the
project is now coming to a close and that you are undertaking your project
finalisation activities. In this email you will need to clearly explain to your project
sponsor the work you are doing to finalise all financial, legal and contractual
obligations and what date you will have these completed by. You must then request
sign-off of these documents from your project sponsor by return email.
Task 3.4 Prepare a list of lessons learned from this project which can be used in future
What to submit:
 A list of project finalisation activities

An email written to your project team which confirms that the project is closing and
they are being released

 An email to your project sponsor requesting sign off of the finalisation documentation
 A lesson learned table/list
This Page is
intentionally left
…………….………….………………………………………….……..……. Tear Here……………………….………………………….……………………

Please provide any feedback you may have for this unit.
Trainer and Assessor
Other Feedback
Students should retain the section below as their receipt for submitting this work.
Students are required to keep a copy of all submitted work.
Student’s Name Student’s ID:
Type of submission □ First Submission □ First Re-submission □ Second Re-submission
Date of Submission Unit Code & Name BSBPMG522 – Undertake project
Assessment tasks
submitted (Please
Case Study
Project finalisation
Staff Name Staff Signature

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