
Budgeting Benchmarking

Budgeting Benchmarking


Undertake a literature search to understand key performance indicators (KPI’s) and how they support the maintenance control function. Q1 Define a KPI, ensure you cover………………………………………………………… 7 marks Definition Objectives Categories Attributes of suitable performance indicators Challenges of determining and implementing KPI’s How KPI’s relate to auditing How KPI’s relate to benchmarking Q2 Describe the uses of KPI’s within industry today in the following areas:… 9 marks Budgeting Benchmarking Continuous improvement Customer service relationships, supplier relationships Enterprise bargaining Performance appraisals Reporting Team development Project management Q3…… For your business obtain the current number or ratio for the following KPI’s and make comment on what exactly it is measuring and importance of the measure. Where possible comparing it to best practice or company targets………………………………………………………………………….. 14 marks Return on net assets Maintenance costs / plant replacement value Maintenance cost per ton /unit/service produced Store inventory value / equipment replacement value Plant availability Environmental complaints / incidents per period Safety incidents / per period Total training dollars / total number of employees. Total maintenance costs charged to individual pieces of equipment / total maintenance costs from accounting Percentage emergency work / total maintenance hours worked Percentage improvement or cost reduction work / total hours worked Wrench time Maintenance work orders planned / total work orders received Maintenance rework due to lack of knowledge, skill, information, spare parts etc / total maintenance work Please download the attached file.

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