
Building Strategic Compensation Project

Building Strategic Compensation Project


I have attached the instructions for the Final Project Guidelines and Rubrics starting on page 21 – 50 which is located on the attached e-sonic  Part Two Pdf. Please follow  those instructions. e-sonic is the fictitious company that the report is based on and e-Sonic’s company background is located on the attached e-Sonic part one document.   


This paper is for OL 325: Total Rewards course.  The project  overview-acting as a recently hired compensation consultant, you will assist the burgeoning online firm e-sonic to develop an internally consistent and market-competitive compensation system that recognizes the achievement of individual contributors. The major portion of the project is divided into three milestones, which will build upon the previous milestone. 


 Please follow the Rubric instructions located on e-Sonic part two attached pdf file pages 21-50. Lastly, please ensure the paper is free from plagiarism. 


Front size 12 Times New Roman. Course book Martocchio, J. (2015). Strategic compensation: a human resource management approach (8th ed.).

Please do not release my private phone number. Also, please apply the 30% discount as this is my first order. 

Thank you,

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