
Change proposal | Nursing homework help

Change proposal | Nursing homework help


Evaluation plan:

  1. Propose steps for evaluating your suggested changes based on your change theory and evidence on existing best practices. Include the indicators
    that you will use to measure success, both in implementing the change itself and in ensuring quality outcomes for diverse patients.
  2. Identify appropriate benchmarks from which to measure the effectiveness of the change.
  3. Discuss the processes you will use for gathering feedback from relevant stakeholders—including nurses, patients, and their families—on what is
    and is not working in order to support continuous improvement.

Time and resource allocation:

  1. Give an approximate timeframe for the different stages and activities in your proposal
  2. Estimate the human and other resources that will be needed to carry out your proposal. You do not need to include specific dollar amounts, but you should anticipate what each activity requires in terms of resources in general terms. For example, you might need a certain number of full- or part-time staff or the services of a contracted firm, specific software, hospital supplies, laptops, publicity materials, and so forth. You may find it useful to use an Excel spreadsheet or other table for presenting this information.


A. Summarize the proposed change, its significance, and expected outcomes as a result of implementing the proposed change.

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