
Chapter 10 and 20 synopsis

Chapter 10 and 20 synopsis


 the relevance of the chapter’s headings as you prepare your summary.  essays submitted in this course MUST conform to the following standards in order to be graded:  MUST BE IN MLA FORMAT InstructionsFollowing are the formatting expectations and requirements for your synopses.  

  • M.L.A. Format: In order to be gradable, all submissions must conform to MLA format standards, including properly-formatted in-text parenthetical citations; however, in the case of synopses only page numbers are required. It is critical that you always include (as you would in a research paper) your name, my name, course title, date, and title of synopsis. The synopsis, because it is only one paragraph, does not require your name and page number in the upper right corner of your page. See pp. 598 and 601 if you need more clarity. 
  • Font: 12-Point Times New Roman must be used in all submitted work. 
  • Indentions: Use one tab space at the beginning of every paragraph.
  • Double-spaced throughout: There will be no single or quadruple spaces anywhere in any of your submissions. Never press the enter key more than once when typing an MLA paper. 
  • First and second-person pronouns are not to be used in formal academic writing (except in direct quotations). Never insert yourself into your writing unless specifically requested. First person pronouns include: I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, and ours. Second-person pronouns include: you, your, yours, you’re, you’ll, and implied forms in imperative sentences. Never directly address the reader unless specifically requested.

LOGIN TO MY AMAZON ACCOUNT at www.amazon.comemail: [email protected] ON ACCOUNT THEN YOUR ORDERS AND THEN LOOK FOR DIGITAL ORDERS AT TOP AND THEN CLICK ON THE BOOK!! Everyones an Author (third addition) this is the book needed for this assignment!!!! 

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