
Choose one (1) middle-range theory or interdisciplinary theory from the list of theorists posted in the Week 2 module. If an interdisciplinary theory is chosen, email the instructor for approval

Choose one (1) middle-range theory or interdisciplinary theory from the list of theorists posted in the Week 2 module. If an interdisciplinary theory is chosen, email the instructor for approval


Select a current health problem that is being debated at the national and/or state level (e.g., the proliferation of “pill mills” and pain clinics), and state why it is of interest

March 19, 2021

A case study and comprehensive differential diagnosis and care plan for the three Ds of women’s health: Primary dysmenorrhea, secondary dysmenorrhea, and dyspareunia

March 19, 2021

Assignment Instructions:There are various methods used to evaluate a theory. One method of synthesized theory analysis includes the components of Theory Description, Theory Analysis, and Theory Evaluation. To determine the value, worth, and significance of a theory, the entire theory must be evaluated. An exemplar on how to set up the scholarly paper using appropriate APA levels is provided in the Week 3 Module.Assignment Criteria:1) Choose one (1) middle-range theory or interdisciplinary theory from the list of theorists posted in the Week 2 module. If an interdisciplinary theory is chosen, email the instructor for approval. 2) Identify the structural components of the selected theory:a.Describe the purpose of the theory (descriptive, explain, predictive etc.).b.Explain the scope of the theory (middle, interdisciplinary).c.Identify the major concepts and major propositions.d.Explain the major assumptions. 3) Identify the functional components of the selected theory:a.Describe the theoretical and operation definitions.b.Analyze the logical organization of the theory.c.Identify the stated outcomes or consequences.4) Identify the evaluation components of the selected theory:a. Discuss how the theory is congruent with nursing standards.b. Describe the validity and relevance of the theory.c. Discuss the implications for nursing related to implementation of the theory.5) Discuss how the theory contributes to the discipline of nursing.6) The scholarly paper should be written clearly and concisely providing comprehensive details about the subject or topic of discussion.7) When developing the scholarly APA paper, begin with an introductory paragraph which includes the purpose statement; that is supported by literature or evidence.a) Remember APA does not use the title “Introduction.” b) The body of the paper should include level headings to keep the readers focused on the written content. c) A conclusion is important to summarize the main points of the paper. d) Finalize the assignment or paper with the reference page(s). This will be the last step to the assignment/paper. 8) The paper should consist of five (5) to six (6) pages excluding the title and reference pages. 9) Use level one and level two headings (see APA page 62 to review levels of heading).10) Write the paper in third person, not first person. This means do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’ statements.11) Use at least four (4) references from professional peer-reviewed nursing journals to support the paper. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory).12) APA format is required (attention to font, spacing, spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).13) Submit the assignment to Turnitin prior to the final submission, review the originality report, and make any needed changes.14) Submit by the posted due date. (List of theorists posted in Week 2 module.) 3. Theorists Ernestine Wiendenbach Virginia Henderson Lydia Hall



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