
Civil Rights Leader PowerPoint

Civil Rights Leader PowerPoint

I don’t understand this Management question and need help to study.

Group 6: Charlene Teters (b. 1952)

Your expert group will create a 6- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation that includes your responses to the six questions presented in the last assignment (Civil Rights Leader, Summary). The slideshow should not simply be a regurgitation of Tuesday’s text but show highlights of the civil rights leader’s life and influence in relation to the Bolman and Deal frames.

  1. Collate the expert group responses to question numbers 1 and 2 and place them on 2-3 PowerPoint slides.
  2. Collate the expert group responses to question numbers 3 and 4 and place them on 2-3 PowerPoint slides.
  3. Collate expert group responses to question numbers 5 and 6 and place them on 2-3 PowerPoint slides
  4. ALL members of the expert group find 2-3 graphic images that illustrate something significant about their main characters, organization, or leader.

Note: Save your presentation as a PDF before uploading to Blackboard to reduce the file size and ensure everyone can access your presentation. For information on how to convert your PowerPoint and notes to a PDF, read Save PowerPoint Notes as PDF in the Concordia Knowledge Base.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

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