
Cjus 420 db forum 6 thread due 9/30/2020

Cjus 420 db forum 6 thread due 9/30/2020




You are required to provide a thread in response to the provided topic for each forum. Each thread is to be a minimum of 250 words, cite at least 2 academic sources, and demonstrate course-related knowledge. 

Your thread is due by 10:59 p.m. (CST) on Wednesday of  Module 1 Main posts (1) must be a minimum of 250 words.  

All posts must integrate a biblical/Christian worldview perspective.

and must cite at least 2 academic source

Discussion Board Forum 6

Rape and statutory crimes are extremely challenging to prosecute.  Research any county or state and find two articles where the county or state has or is currently prosecuting a defendant for rape or statutory rape.

Post links to the articles at the bottom of your post.

Discuss the  circumstances of each of the cases. Why are these types of crimes are so difficult to prosecute? Integrate a Christian worldview perspective to support your discussion.

Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Wednesday of Module 6  
Main posts (1) must be a minimum of 250 words. 
All posts must integrate a biblical/Christian worldview perspective

All posts must integrate a biblical/Christian worldview perspective.

and must cite at least 2 academic source

The post Cjus 420 db forum 6 thread due 9/30/2020 appeared first on homeworkcrew.com.


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