
Cognitive Theory: Behavior Plan | Nursing Term Papers

Cognitive Theory: Behavior Plan | Nursing Term Papers


Resources: University of Phoenix Material: Individual Case Studies, University of Phoenix Material: Behavior Plan Template, and the “Effective Treatment for Addicted Criminal Justice Clients” article located on the National Criminal Justice Reference Service website.

Use the “Effective Treatment for Addicted Criminal Justice Clients” article as a sample for how to write a behavior plan. The “Case Study” section near the end of the article provides a good example of a behavior plan.

Select a different case study than you used in Week Two from the University of Phoenix Material: Individual Case Studies:

  • Case One: Violet
  • Case Two: Max—– DON’t USE THIS ONE!!
  • Case Three: Onur

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Behavior Plan Template based on your selected cognitive theory for your selected case-study patient—Violet, Max, or Onur.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Incorporate one peer-reviewed research study as justification for the theory you used in your plan.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Cognitive Theory: Behavior Plan was first posted on March 6, 2021 at 6:59 am.
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