
Communication Policy & Procedures

Communication Policy & Procedures



The purpose of this policy is to specify the various channels of communication within Complete Business Solutions Australia (CBSA), determine their intended purpose, and the roles and responsibilities of staff in accessing and using them.


  1. Communication objectives
  • Internal communication is used to reinforce the organisations business priorities and objectives. This involves ensuring that information disseminated to staff is valid, reliable, relevant, easy to access, and appropriate.
  • CBSA aims to continue to develop and trial new communication ideas, channels, and tools to improve information sharing and collaboration between staff members.
  • Staff are actively encouraged to share information within the workplace. CBSA expects that staff will use the communication channels and associated tools for business work practices and in compliance with this and other relevant policies and procedures.
  1. Communication channels
  • CBSA has a number of communication channels for intended purposes including:
  • Email: Used for messages to staff, clients, and other stakeholders.
  • Client surveys: Used to gather information and feedback from clients for a range of purposes.
  • Presentation: Used to present information verbally for internal work groups such as meetings, inductions, or to external clients and stakeholders.
  • Business documentation: Used to present information formally in written format to staff members such as reports, policies and procedures, and other business-related documents. Also used to present information in written format to clients and other stakeholders such as business correspondence, invoices, and other business-related matters.
  • Cloud-based collaborative tools: Used by work groups of staff to collaborate, share, and communicate on projects online
  • Website and social media channels: Used to inform clients of services offered. Used by staff to access policies and procedures.
  • Instant messaging: Used to allow real-time communication between staff members informally.
  • Video-conferencing: Used for video communication between staff, clients, and other stakeholders where communication occurs remotely.
  • Phone: Used for real-time discussion between staff members and clients.

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