
Controversial Essays on Death Penalty 2020

Controversial Essays on Death Penalty 2020


Deterrence-the death penalty prevents murders. Many essays on death penalty have captured this point. Nonetheless, clarifying it is a serious test. The job of law enforcers in any given society is to prevent and reduce crime as much as possible. Giving the death penalty to criminals will make them reconsider before carrying out the crime. In other words, with the death penalty law in place, it prevents crimes such as murder.

Retribution-While researching about the death penalty and reading previous essays on death penalty, retribution is an aspect that stands out. It implies striking a balance in the society. For instance, when a person is murdered, the balance of justice in the society is disturbed. Unless the balance is restored, the society is governed by violence. The only way to balance this is by finding the murderer and executing him by law.

This aspect is built on ancient religious beliefs; an eye for an eye, in this case a life for a life. Despite the fact that it can never bring the life lost, it brings closure to the families of the lost ones

Cost-Compared to life imprisonment the death penalty is more affordable to any government. While this is valid, many essays on death penalty fail to give examples to support this argument. The cost of taking care of a prisoner for life sentence ought to come out clearly compared to the cost of execution.

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