
“credible and original outside sources”

“credible and original outside sources”



1. What should I do if a group member is absent from the forum (i.e. does not fulfill their role)?

Unless it is the Reporter, do nothing. The forum is graded on an individual basis and your grade will not be impacted by an absent group member. If you are the Reporter, unless you receive a message from Professor Meredith regarding an extenuating circumstance of some kind, please omit the absent group member’s perspective from the final report.

2. What should I do if the Reporter is absent from the forum? Please contact Professor Meredith as soon as the deadline for posting an article link has passed. Professor Meredith will provide instructions at that time on how to proceed.

3. Do 2 credible and original outside sources have to appear in the perspective posting and the summary of the perspective? reflection section of the final report). Summaries of perspectives do not have to have sources cited. All sources must appear in a reference list at the end of a post and cited within the body of the post.

4. What do you mean by “credible and original outside sources”?

A credible and original outside source cannot be the original press article posted by the Reporter or the course textbook. Wikipedia is not a credible outside source and should not be used. Some examples of credible and original outside sources include high-quality press outlets ( e.g. The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Associated Press, The
Economist, Forbes, etc.) and peer-reviewed journal articles. A credible and original outside source cannot be a source that is used by another member of the group.

5. I’m the Consultant and my role is writing a summary. How can a summary include outside sources? A summary can be written that includes outside sources. For example, you can find a different article that covers a similar externality and write the following: “Similar to the negative externality of pollution covered by Meredith (2019), the article discusses a negative externality from polluting the air.”

6. I’m the Reporter for the forum. Does the press article I found for everyone to discuss count as 1 of my 2 credible and original outside sources?

The post “credible and original outside sources” appeared first on Scholar Writers.


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