
Criminal homework help – Coursework Geeks

Criminal homework help – Coursework Geeks


Assignment Content:
Determining the right to counsel depends on the circumstances of a case. For this assignment, select and complete one of the three options below to demonstrate what you have learned about the right to counsel.
Option 1: Right to Counsel PresentationAnalyze two cases involving the right to counsel and document your observations in a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes. Use complete sentences, with correct grammar and punctuation, to fully explain each slide as if you were giving an in-person presentation.
Address the following topics:

The aspects of right to counsel for the cases
How the historical development of right to counsel relates to the cases
When the right to counsel attaches to criminal procedure for the cases
Whether the defendants in the cases exercised their right to self-representation
The role of the attorneys in the cases as it applies to right to counsel
Include videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs as appropriate.

Option 2: Right to Counsel Attorney Interview
Research one case involving the right to counsel using the Internet or University Library.
Analyze the case and identify two or three questions you want to ask an attorney regarding the right to counsel.
Find an attorney to interview by searching the Internet, checking your local phone book, or referring to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that incorporates the attorney’s responses about the right to counsel for the case. Include the following:

The aspects of right to counsel for the case
How the historical development of right to counsel relates to the case
When the right to counsel attaches to criminal procedure for the case
Whether the defendant in the case exercised his or her right to self-representation
 The role of an attorney in the case as it applies to right to counsel

Option 3: Right to Counsel Article
You are a guest writer for a legal aid blog. You noticed in the comments several people have asked questions about the right to counsel and whether they have a right to counsel based on their situation. To address this need, you decide to write an article on the topic.
Analyze two cases involving the right to counsel and refer to these cases in your article.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word article about the right to counsel that addresses the following topics:

The aspects of the right to counsel for these cases
How the historical development of the right to counsel relates to the cases
When the right to counsel attaches to criminal procedure for the cases
Whether the defendants in the cases exercised their right to self-representation
The role of the attorneys in the cases as it applies to the right to counsel

Format your selected option consistent with APA guidelines.


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