
db posting

db posting

I need support with this Business question so I can learn better.

Folks, please note the requirements for the three Discussion Board (DB) postings:

You will find the forums for the three DB postings in the appropriate weekly module. You need to pick a topic from one of the relevant chapters for the DB assignment in question. The relevant chapters are one of the assigned chapters for weeks 7 and 8 (DB 3); any topic from one of these chapters is acceptable. You then need to watch a YouTube video presentation (or equivalent) on your chosen topic and then post the presentation summary in the dialog box. Your summary must consist of at least one paragraph of reasonable length (7-9 sentences). Your post must include the following (in this order):

1, Title (Chapter # and topic)

2. Summary of the presentation

3. Link to the video

You may, at your discretion, watch multiple videos on your chosen topic. In that case, you must provide the links to all the videos. You may work independently or in groups of up to 3 people. If you work in a group, only one person should submit, but you should put the names of all group members in the “assignment comments” section.

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