
debate-presentation-should-put-forth-a-convincing-argument-against-the-policy-based-on-your-r-1 | Nursing Term Papers

debate-presentation-should-put-forth-a-convincing-argument-against-the-policy-based-on-your-r-1 | Nursing Term Papers


Your debate presentation should put forth a convincing argument, against the policy, based on your research. The policy is Costs of drugs in the United States as compared to other countries.

Your presentation must and address:

What effects will the policy change have on stakeholders?

Why, or why not, is this policy important?

What are the costs to stakeholders?

Important issues and research to support your position. issues to support the debate to keep the policy from changing. ppharmaceutical need to hike prices to fund research, to perform clinical trials, research to produce quality products (medications) that work and help improve health.


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