
Degrees of freedom between person

Degrees of freedom between person


Statistics Exercise IV
These weekly exercises provide the opportunity for you to understand and apply statistical methods and analysis.
All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style and must  be written at graduate level English, citing the text in APA format.
#1.  Define the following terms:Sum of squares between groupsSum of squares errorMean square between groupsMean square error
#2.  Define the following terms: Degrees of freedom between personsSum of squares between personsMean square between persons
#3.  Explain why the critical value can be different for each hypothesis test computed using the two-way between-subjects ANOVA.
Use SPSS and the provided data to answer the following  questions.  Round your answers to the nearest dollar, percentage point,  or whole number. 
#4.  Perform a chi-square test to look at the  relationship between region of the country (REGION) and financial  comfort (FCOMFORT).  Using alpha = .05, what would you conclude from  your test: A.Financial comfort differs depending on the area one lives  in.  B.People living in less expensive areas are more likely to report  that they are financially comfortable.  C.There is not a significant  relationship between region and financial comfort.  D.People living in  the northeast region are most likely to report that they are financially  struggling.
#5.  Perform a one-way ANOVA to look at whether  income (INC1) differs by type of relationship (RELAT).  Which of the  following describes your result: A.F(3,396) = 4.91, p > .05  B.F(3,396) = 4.91, p < .001.  C.F(3,396) = 6.85, > .05   D.F(3,396) = 6.85, p < .001  Perform  a 2-way ANOVA with participant’s income (INC1) as the dependent  variable and with gender (GENDER1) and          marital status (MSTAT)  as independent variables. Interpret your results in questions 6, 7 and  8. (Hint: click the “Plots” button in the Univariate routine to create a  graph).
#6.  The main effect due to gender indicates that:  A.Women earn more than men.  B.Men earn more than women.  C.Men and  women have incomes that are not significantly different.  D.Participants  earn more than their partners.
#7.  The main effect due to marital status  indicates: A.Your income tends to decrease after a divorce.  B.Getting  married tends to increase your income.  C.Marital status is unrelated to  income.  D.Married people tend to earn more than single people.
#8.  The interaction effect indicates: A.Men earn more  than women and married people earn more than singles.  B.The  male/female income difference is greater when comparing married people  than when comparing singles.  C.The interaction effect is  non-significant.  D.Marriage helps men’s careers more than it helps  women’s careers.
Assignment Outcomes:

Assess the concepts underlying appropriate use of various research methodologies

Analyze how to recognize the inappropriate or deceptive use of research methodology

Compare/contrast the basic assumptions underlying various statistical  operations Summarize the consequences of using various methodological  approaches Differentiate between the appropriate and inappropriate  application and interpretation of research methods and statistics

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