
Deliverable 4 – Merging Ethics and Information Technology

Deliverable 4 – Merging Ethics and Information Technology

I’m studying for my Nursing class and need an explanation.

3-4 scholarly references no .com, grammaly, spellchecker, multiple in text citations in each paragraph, APA format, less than 4% plagiarism, avoid use of common words eg. nowadays, lately, big, unnecessary use of the word the, do not construct sentences using everyday words ..essay must be written in active voice NOT passive voice


Analyze ethical and nursing informatics practice standards within the context of healthcare delivery.


You are a nursing manager of the education and innovations department at a large nonprofit academic medical center. You work at the flagship hospital and there are three additional campuses and several affiliated facilities throughout three additional states. Therefore, technology is heavily relied upon for consistent and reliable communication for interdisciplinary care. Recently, the CNO sent you a patient satisfaction survey highlighting how impressed this patient was with their nurse’s timeliness of answering their questions. The patient continued to share that the nurse used their personal cell phone to reach out to the patient’s provider to get clarification of the patient’s discharge instructions. The patient loved their quick response and wanted to highlight this as a best practice for all healthcare professionals.

You have just completed a technology usage assessment of the healthcare staff across departments and it has come to your attention that several nurses occasionally communicate with medical providers through text on their personal cell phones, using their phone’s messaging service. The nurses found that they are able to meet their patient needs more quickly. Your assessment also discovered that a nurse used their personal cell phone to take a picture of a patient’s foot ulcer. The picture was posted on social media as a reminder to diabetics the importance of managing their blood sugars. As the nursing education manager, it is your responsibility to ensure staff are following the hospital polices and your technology assessment has highlighted that the staff is in urgent need of HIPAA training and Smart Phone use.


Use the scenario above to create a mandatory training for all staff using PowerPoint

  • Examine personal Smart Phone use and its implications in Healthcare
    • Identify and explain a minimum of 3 unethical uses of Smartphones in healthcare (including text messaging and pictures)
    • Discuss potential benefits to appropriate Smartphone use in healthcare
  • Examine judicious use of Social Media and its implications in Healthcare
    • Potential benefits to appropriate use of Social Media in healthcare
    • Identify a minimum of 3 unethical uses of Social Media (as reviewed by NCSBN)
  • Describe regulatory bodies and Ethical Frameworks used to protect Personal Health Information (PHI)
    • Investigate the role of HIPAA, HITECH, and Nursing Code of Ethics
    • Present possible legal consequences associated with unethical or illegal Smart Phone and Social Media use.
    • Grading Rubric
      F F C B A
      0 1 2 3 4
      Did not Submit No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
      Not Submitted No clear description of personal Smart Phone use and its implications in Healthcare, including: explanation on at least 3 unethical uses of Smartphones in healthcare; and discussing benefits to appropriate Smartphone use in healthcare. Basic description of personal Smart Phone use and its implications in Healthcare, including: explanation on at least 3 unethical uses of Smartphones in healthcare; and discussing benefits to appropriate Smartphone use in healthcare. Thorough description of personal Smart Phone use and its implications in Healthcare, including: explanation on at least 3 unethical uses of Smartphones in healthcare; and discussing benefits to appropriate Smartphone use in healthcare. Clearly stated, detailed description of personal Smart Phone use and its implications in Healthcare, including: explanation on at least 3 unethical uses of Smartphones in healthcare; and discussing benefits to appropriate Smartphone use in healthcare.
      Not Submitted No clear explanation of judicious uses of Social Media and its implications in Healthcare, including: Potential benefits to appropriate use of Social Media in healthcare and Identifying a minimum of 3 unethical uses of Social Media. Basic explanation of judicious uses of Social Media and its implications in Healthcare, including: Potential benefits to appropriate use of Social Media in healthcare and Identifying a minimum of 3 unethical uses of Social Media. Thorough explanation of judicious uses of Social Media and its implications in Healthcare, including: Potential benefits to appropriate use of Social Media in healthcare and Identifying a minimum of 3 unethical uses of Social Media. Clearly stated, detailed explanation of judicious uses of Social Media and its implications in Healthcare, including: Potential benefits to appropriate use of Social Media in healthcare and Identifying a minimum of 3 unethical uses of Social Media.
      Not Submitted No clear description of regulatory bodies and Ethical Frameworks used to protect Personal Health Information (PHI), including identifying the role of HIPAA, HITECH, and Nursing Code of Ethics and discussing the legal consequences associated with unethical or illegal Smart Phone and Social Media use. Basic description of regulatory bodies and Ethical Frameworks used to protect Personal Health Information (PHI), including identifying the role of HIPAA, HITECH, and Nursing Code of Ethics and discussing the legal consequences associated with unethical or illegal Smart Phone and Social Media use. Thorough description of regulatory bodies and Ethical Frameworks used to protect Personal Health Information (PHI), including identifying the role of HIPAA, HITECH, and Nursing Code of Ethics and discussing the legal consequences associated with unethical or illegal Smart Phone and Social Media use. Clearly stated, detailed description of regulatory bodies and Ethical Frameworks used to protect Personal Health Information (PHI), including identifying the role of HIPAA, HITECH, and Nursing Code of Ethics and discussing the legal consequences associated with unethical or illegal Smart Phone and Social Media use.
      Not Submitted Lack of formal style in document, numerous spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present. Formal style reflected in some parts of the document, but not maintained throughout. Some spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present. Formal style reflected throughout majority of the document, with minor spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present. Formal style reflected throughout the document, including no spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present.
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