
Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the communication architecture for professional success and a process for management writing. (Lo 1.2), (Lo 1.6) Identify sentence and paragraph level language needed to convey a business voice in management wr

Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the communication architecture for professional success and a process for management writing. (Lo 1.2), (Lo 1.6) Identify sentence and paragraph level language needed to convey a business voice in management wr

I don’t know how to handle this Management question and need guidance.

Advanced Step International School, Riyadh is celebrating the 25th foundation day event. in this event, the Minister of education “Dr. Hamad bin Mohammed Al-Sheikh” is coming as a chief guest.

You are working as a personnel officer at Advanced Step International School, Riyadh and The Board of school committee was giving you the responsibility for anchoring the whole event.

Now, as an Anchor, you must prepare the draft for anchoring of the 25th Foundation Day –

Q1.You must start the event with a short speech in which:

  • You introduce your school, provide a short history, and academic achievement it has accomplished.
  • Then you request your chief guest to come to the podium and speak to the audience.
  • Your draft of short speech will not take more than 2-4 minutes of times (approximately 500 words).
  • To complete this task, you can rely on your imagination of the type of school, and the type of activities the school has carried over the last year, etc… This is a hypothetical scenario to allow to you practice business communication.
  • Question 1 is worth 4 marks

Q2.You must conclude this event by giving a vote of thanks to the chief guests, parents, students, and other participated guests.

(your draft of short speech will not take more than 2 minutes of time.) Approx. 250 Words.

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