
demonstrate an ability to articulate and apply a public service perspective

demonstrate an ability to articulate and apply a public service perspective

In order to respond to the prompts below, first listen to:

Building a Culture of Equity with Danya Perry, Wake County, NC at

GovLove – A Podcast About Local Government: Building a Culture of Equity with Danya Perry, Wake County, NC on Apple Podcasts


Podcast: Equity and Inclusion in Ottawa County, MI with Robyn Afrik and John Shay – ELGL

In a substantive initial posting, summarize the main points of each of the podcasts and relate what you have learned from your MPA coursework to the podcast topic. Also, include a discussion of what you found to be most interesting and/or relevant to you from each.  Each of the parts of the initial posting should be distinct paragraphs distinguished by sub-headings.

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