
Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary social and ethical issues related to biology Exemplary A minimum of one page, 12 new Times Roman font, double spaced in MLA format is required and will be worth 30 points each week.

Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary social and ethical issues related to biology Exemplary A minimum of one page, 12 new Times Roman font, double spaced in MLA format is required and will be worth 30 points each week.


b01 final paper – The Nursing TermPaper

March 19, 2021

Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary social and ethical issues related to biology ExemplaryA minimum of one page, 12 new Times Roman font, double spaced in MLA format is required and will be worth 30 points each week.
Your reflections do not need to be complex, just a description of how the article or report has impacted you. For full credit, please be sure to support your thoughts with scientific concepts we are learning about this week. Be sure to cite all resources You need to submit them in your Canvas account by 11:59 PM by the date listed. Week 2 article: From Science Daily – ”Exercise, even mild physical activity, may reduce breast cancer risk (Links to an external site.)” Rubric Weekly journal entry (1) Weekly journal entry (1) Criteria Ratings Pts Demonstrates knowledge of contemporary social and ethical issues related to biology Exemplary – Presents significant knowledge of social and ethical issues related to biology, well supported by evidence and/or examples. 10.0 pts Mastery – Presents very good knowledge of social and ethical issues related to biol
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