
Describe the problem: Create context for understanding the cultural, social, structural

Describe the problem: Create context for understanding the cultural, social, structural demographic and/or economic influences that is relevant to the issue.

Describe a policy solution: What entity is responsible for forming policy to address the issue or problem? (Exs. legislature, agency, nonprofit, citizens’ organization, court, city council, mayor, etc.)   How is this policy intended to address the problem?

Analysis: Critically assess the efficacy of the policy. (Exs. feasibility, political or ideological conflict, costs/benefits, civil liberties or civil rights conflicts, etc.)

Presentation must include:

* a statistical measure in the form of graphs and/or tables depicting relevant data regarding the place, problem, politics and/or policy (providing a single statistic (ex. Population — 360,000) will not meet this requirement)

*an image depicting some aspect of your case study that you wish to emphasize. (Your statistical chart will not count for this requirement.

*Sources citations : You may cite your source on the slide where the reference is used, or you may create a separate source page. There are no format requirements other than that they include enough information for me to find them. Your sources must be reputable and reliable.

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