
Diplomatic report | Article writing homework help

Diplomatic report | Article writing homework help



Each student will submit two diplomatic updates beginning in Week 6 (and subsequently in Weeks 14). Each update will consist of a 300-word minimum. There are no penalties for 300+ words. However, below the minimum (<300 words) will result in point deductions. Each update is worth 3 points. 

The diplomatic report will be based on U.S. — China trade talks


  1. Double-Spaced
  2. Submit via Canvas
  3. Font 11 or 12
  4. 300 word minimum (a little less than one page)
  5. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE (this means if you are going to copy from a source—ANY source—you must cite the reference either as a footnote or as a parenthetical citation)
  6. Sources: At least 2
  7. Content:

For DIPLOMATIC REPORT #1, you need to include the following below. This is step one.

  • Who are/were party to the negotiations—key negotiators
  • What are/were they negotiating about? Why?
  • What are/were the problems preventing solution (if applicable)?
  • Give the most recent update on the negotiations. 

The post Diplomatic report | Article writing homework help appeared first on homeworkcrew.com.


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