
Discussion case 5 | Management homework help

Discussion case 5 | Management homework help


Read the Case “Should Facebook Be Regulated?” at the end of Chapter 7 and response to the following:

  1. Do you believe the government (in the United States and other countries) should regulate Facebook to protect its users’ privacy?  Why or why not?
  2. Do you believe that Facebook’s actions so far exemplify working in collaboration with, or in opposition to, government? Why?
  3. What elements of the public policy process are seen in this case: public policy inputs, goals, tools, and effects?
  4. Of the reasons described in this chapter to justify government regulation: market failure, negative externalities, natural monopolies, and ethical arguments, which reasons are relevant in this case?
  5. Since Facebook and other social media platforms are global in nature, is there a need for international regulation to protect consumers’ privacy worldwide?  If so, what organization could provide this global regulatory protection?
  6. Since Facebook and other social media platforms are global in nature, is there a need for international regulation to protect consumers’ privacy worldwide?  If so, what organization could provide this global regulatory protection?

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