
Discussion Questions 1. List and discuss several factors that would have contributed to an increased inherent risk assessment at the financial report level. Also identify which of these factors may be identified during the strategic business risk assessment. 2. List and discuss several inherent risk factors that would have contributed to an increased inherent risk assessment at the account balance level. 3. Do you believe that the area of going concern should be assessed as high, medium or low? Identify the factors that are the basis for your decision.

Discussion Questions 1. List and discuss several factors that would have contributed to an increased inherent risk assessment at the financial report level. Also identify which of these factors may be identified during the strategic business risk assessment. 2. List and discuss several inherent risk factors that would have contributed to an increased inherent risk assessment at the account balance level. 3. Do you believe that the area of going concern should be assessed as high, medium or low? Identify the factors that are the basis for your decision.


Write an essay with reference to standards, legislation and academic research including the Reiter & Williams (2004) article and discuss and critically evaluate what it means for an auditor to be independent and how an auditor can be independent when they are being paid by the client.

The post Discussion Questions 1. List and discuss several factors that would have contributed to an increased inherent risk assessment at the financial report level. Also identify which of these factors may be identified during the strategic business risk assessment. 2. List and discuss several inherent risk factors that would have contributed to an increased inherent risk assessment at the account balance level. 3. Do you believe that the area of going concern should be assessed as high, medium or low? Identify the factors that are the basis for your decision. appeared first on Scholar Writers.


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