
discussion response 4 baroque music – essay studess

discussion response 4 baroque music – essay studess


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    1. Choose one of the pieces from this unit’s listening.
    2. Pick one that stands out to you and briefly (1-2 sentences) explain why this particular piece “caught your ear.”
    3. What are the piece’s unique characteristics? BE SPECIFIC and use your textbook as your reference! This should be the main part of your mini-essay. This is not opinion – these are facts that you have researched.
    4. Cite your sources (Links to an external site.) – including your textbook. Points deducted for not citing references. You may use MLA format. (Links to an external site.)
    5. Response should be one-two paragraphs. Use full sentences, no abbreviations, and check your spelling for full credit.

    After posting your response, comment on TWO students’ responses. You may ask a question or demonstrate further understanding of the topic.


Thy Hand, Belinda…When I am laid in earth…With drooping wings (Dido and Aeneas) by Henry Purcell (Links to an external site.)Thy Hand Belinda from Dido & Aneas by Henry Purcell

Composer: Henry Purcell

An example of Baroque opera.

This is a recitative and aria (Thy Hand, Belinda…When I am Laid in Earth) from Henry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas.

Listening Guide 7 in the textbook.

The Four Seasons, Spring RV 269 (Links to an external site.)Vivaldi: The Four Seasons - Spring(performed by Fabio Biondi and the Europa Galante)

Composer: Antonio Vivaldi

Example of a concerto by the composer Antonio Vivaldi. This is Spring from The Four Seasons, a set of four violin concertos (Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn). Each concerto is a musical depiction of a sonnet (a type of poem), each sonnet describing events during that season (winter chill. summer storms, etc).

Listening Guide 12 in the textbook.

(Links to an external site.)Vivaldi: The Four Seasons - Spring

St. Matthew Passion: Erbarme dich (Links to an external site.)St. Matthew Passion: Erbarme Dich by J.S. Bach (sung by Damien Guillon – conducted by Philippe Herreweghe)

Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach

Example of an aria (Erbarme dich, mein Gott or Have Mercy, my God). This aria is a part of a larger work: the St. Matthew Passion by J.S. Bach, which is an example of a sacred oratorio.

No Listening Guide in the book. Please read pp. 106-110 in your textbook for info on sacred oratorio.

Published May 18, 2017


A “citation” is the way you tell your readers that certain material in your work came from another source. It also gives your readers the information necessary to find that source again, including:

  • information about the author
  • the title of the work
  • the name and location of the company that published your copy of the source
  • the date your copy was published
  • the page numbers of the material you are borrowing

Why should I cite sources?

Giving credit to the original author by citing sources is the only way to use other people’s work without plagiarizing. But there are a number of other reasons to cite sources:

  • citations are extremely helpful to anyone who wants to find out more about your ideas and where they came from
  • not all sources are good or right — your own ideas may often be more accurate or interesting than those of your sources. Proper citation will keep you from taking the rap for someone else’s bad ideas
  • citing sources shows the amount of research you’ve done
  • citing sources strengthens your work by lending outside support to your ideas

Doesn’t citing make my work seem less original?

Not at all. On the contrary, citing sources actually helps your reader distinguish your ideas from those of your sources. This will actually emphasize the originality of your own work.

When do I need to cite?

Whenever you borrow words or ideas, you need to acknowledge their source. The following situations almost always require citation:

  • whenever you use quotes
  • whenever you paraphrase
  • whenever you use an idea that someone else has already expressed
  • whenever you make specific reference to the work of another
  • whenever someone else’s work has been critical in developing your own ideas.


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