
Discussion: Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

Discussion: Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

I’m working on a Sociology exercise and need support.

As a social worker, you will often work with clients that are perceived as “others.” This “otherness” often leads to marginalization and barriers or limitations promoted by society and social institutions. Marginalization is arguably the most dangerous form of oppression (Adams et al., 2013) because it eventually leads to social expulsion and material deprivation. Social work is a unique profession because it empowers those who are affected by the socially constructed barriers and biases that have perpetuated long-standing inequalities. As you begin your work with clients both as an intern and social worker, it is imperative to consider not only the individual (micro) concerns the client brings to the session but the environmental or macro factors that may have either created or perpetuated the concern. You can empower your clients by helping them identify and define the oppression they experienced throughout their lifetime. Social work’s commitment to social justice includes a hyperawareness of the social constructions that are used to limit some groups’ autonomy and viability while supporting others.

By Day 3

Post an analysis of the dimensions of oppression and marginalization that might impact your future clients. Be specific in identifying the types of clients with whom you might work and provide a specific example of a social injustice, economic injustice, and environmental injustice that clients might experience. In your analysis, explain how the concepts of multiculturalism, power, and privilege are relevant to social work practice.

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