
DQ 1The health care industry is influenced by multiple accrediting bodies that are stakeholders in t

DQ 1The health care industry is influenced by multiple accrediting bodies that are stakeholders in t


DQ 1The health care industry is influenced by multiple accrediting bodies that are stakeholders in the operation of health care organizations. Periodically, the missions and roles of these accrediting bodies may be in conflict with one another. How should health care administrators navigate among the conflicting missions and roles of accreditors in order to assure that the health care organization remains accredited and has an increased opportunity for sustainability?DQ 2Alkhenizan and Shaw (2012) assert that health care professionals may be unconvinced of the merits of health care accreditation. In general, should health care professionals be skeptical of accreditation? Why or why not? What are 2 conditions that would need to exist for a health care organization to be sustainable without possessing accreditation? Explain.

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