
edu 620 wk5 assignment – Essay Writers

edu 620 wk5 assignment – Essay Writers


Universal Design for Learning Lesson Plan (2)
Imagine that you taught your class the lesson plan you wrote, during Week Two, on a Monday. You will now write the ‘day two’ (continuation) lesson using the same concept and CCSS that you would teach the next day, on a Tuesday.  Additionally, this week’s lesson plan must include at least TWO assistive technology devices that are geared towards two separate sensory impairments. 
For example:

Monday’s lesson plan (Week 2):  Addressed teaching addition and subtraction.
Tuesday’s lesson plan (this week’s assignment): This lesson plan will have students practice what they’ve learned or build on the concept with “subtraction with borrowing” or “multiplication”.
Assistive Technology Devices to consider: pencil grips, manipulatives, ELMO, SMARTboard, high-contrast colors, etc.
Monday’s lesson (Week 2): Addressed the use of figurative language in fiction. 
Tuesday’s lesson plan (this week’s assignment): This lesson plan will have students practicing writing figurative language, analyzing it, or building on it with other rhetorical devices. 
Assistive Technology Devices to consider: computer programs, ebooks, iPads, white boards, etc.

Your lesson plan must include the following components:

Common Core State Standard (C.C.S.S.) that relates to the content area (English or Math) chosen for Week Two.
Objectives that are aligned with the C.C.S.S.:
What is to be taught.
Where and when it is to be taught.
Standard of success for the individual lesson (must be measurable).

One UDL component (multiple means of representation, engagement, or expression) embedded in each lesson.
At least two assistive technology devices that are geared towards two separate sensory impairments.
At least one assistive technology device that can be incorporated class- wide.
A formative assessment at the conclusion of each lesson to measure students’ mastered the daily objective.
Teacher self-assessment
Even lessons that fail to produce the intended results are an excellent opportunity for reflection, adjustment, and growth. 
What problems do you anticipate with the lesson?  
What did you learn about AT and UDL from creating this unit?

Your lesson plan should be one to two pages in length 

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