
ENV 333 Week 4 Assignment Case Study Environmental Impact

ENV 333 Week 4 Assignment Case Study Environmental Impact


Case Study: Environmental Impacts. Search the Internet for an EIS that has been written in your local area. If one is not present in your local area, expand your search to include your county or state. Note: You are not required to read the entire EIS. These can run several hundred pages.

Address the following:

Briefly describe the proposed project.

Does the overall format of the EIS meet the requirements discussed in Environmental Impact Assessment:

A Practical Guide? Does the EIS address each of the main chapter categories (i.e., transportation, energy,

air quality, noise, public safety, and water resources)

Look at the alternatives. How many were originally proposed? How many were ruled out due to other

constraints? Of those remaining, briefly discuss the preferred alternative.

Discuss your overall impression of the specific EIS as well as the EIS process

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